Organization development and Consulting

Project Management

Leading projects within your organization when you face  recourse or capability problems.

  • Market and people readiness prior new product launches ,
  • FF Capability assessment projects and development centers
  • Band related segmentation and targeting projects
  • Marketing competency assessment and development
  • Management competency assessment and development
  • Changing Company Culture project
  • Developing local capabilities: SFE , marketing and management.

Discovery Phase

Identifying the client needs and wants in form of the gap between the actual and the desired situation. Interviewing some key employees (supervisors and subordinates), like: some top performers to be used as typical high performance models and some average potential employees to see how they accomplish their tasks in practice.

Alignment Phase

Identifying the scope of the project, by getting all the relevant managers involved, for more information details and to ensure they are aligned and will support the development initiatives and the integration of the new methods and skills later.

Design Phase Competencies

Design of a customized competency model for supervisors and subordinates, using either an existing client competency model or the competency model of In-Phax . Comparing the competency model with the actual employee function related to the business strategy, goals and specific job requirements identified.

Design Phase Module Development

Design of relevant development modules by blending existing modules, models, processes and tools, for supervisors and subordinates. Identification of local real life business cases, to be used during the development phase for customized practice exercises, relevant to local functions and the business environment.

Pilot Phase

Test of the customized seminar modules and practice exercises with potential participants of the client, the design team and the facilitator. Introducing the performance improvement project to the entire management to clarify their supervisor roles in terms of: leadership, management and coaching. Kick off meeting to introduce the performance improvement project, the purpose, process and benefits, to all the participants.

Trainer Certification

All the materials designed will be translated and culturally adapted. The consultants and facilitators representing the required project languages will be instructed, trained and certified.

Development Phase

All the performance improvement related initiatives, for supervisors and their subordinates will be implemented in all the locations and languages required. A detailed feedback system will help to identify further improvement opportunities for role out of the seminars, workshops and practice exercises.

Integration Phase

The supervisors will ensure their subordinates use the new methods and skill set in their daily processes and tasks successfully by professional team leadership and individual coaching, feedback and appraisals. Integration of job description, competency model into the yearly business plan and the coaching tools and appraisal into tracking system of the human resources department.

Benefit Phase

Feedback session and summary about the project benefits, ROI-measurement of results versus the targets planned. Transferring the performance improvement project to the client for continuation. Discussion and negotiation about the next steps to improve the performance further. Performance Improvement